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Enormously beneficial Himalayan pink salt

Enormously beneficial Himalayan pink salt

“My aunt was an asthma patient for 25 years. Then she went through various sessions of halotherapy and guess what, her disease was cured. Now she breathes normally and lives a normal life”. “My skin was rough, so I applied a salt scrub and now it feels lively and fresh”. “I cannot eat an egg without sprinkling some salt on it.” You might have overheard such conversations but have you ever wondered what salt actually is. If we see it from a chemist point of view, then the basic chemical composition of salt is Sodium Chloride, a sodium ion ironical bonded to a chloride ion.  But it may contain some other minerals in trace amounts.

Now a question arises that what is Himalayan Pink Salt or Pink Salt Products? The first part of its name is basically the name of a mountain range and is given to this salt because of its location. This salt is extracted from the salt range situated in the Himalayan Mountains; therefore it is called Himalayan salt. The second part of its name refers to its appearance. This salt is mostly found in the different shades of pink so it is named as pink salt.

Himalayan salt vs. table salt

The iodized salt filled in salt cellars and placed on dining tables is termed as table salt and natural salt extracted from Himalayan salt mountains is referred to as Himalayan pink salt. But if both are salts, then is there any difference in their physical and chemical properties? Yes, they are classified as two different types of salts based on their composition and other properties. The Himalayan salt is a gift of nature, that has been formed without any human intervention, whereas, the table salt is made unnaturally by pumping iodine into the natural salt. Another difference is their color; table salt is white in color whereas the Himalayan salt is pink. The Himalayan salt is natural; therefore it possesses many other minerals and trace minerals in it that are not found in the regular table salt. So, in many ways, it can be said better than the regular iodized salt.

Benefits of Himalayan salt

Why do we use salt? A simple answer is that our body needs salt in its functioning. Another answer is that our taste buds have been developed in such a way that food without salt seems utterly disgusting. So, salt is essential in our daily lives. The Himalayan salt is good for our body and brain. It helps our body to perform well and aids in maintaining the normal pH of our body. It is used all over the world in foods and cooking industry. The Himalayan salt has been used for preservation purposes from the ancient times, and still today, raw meat is dried and the only thing applied on it is salt. Next are its non-dietary uses. Pink salt also has a lot of benefits apart from its use in foods. The salt scrubs are used in bath tubs to solve many skin problems. Salt is basically antibacterial in nature, and this property of salt is beneficial to solve acne and allergy problems of skin and to treat sore muscles. There is a very big industry of salt lamps. Light bulb fitted inside a beautifully carved piece of salt is a wonderful decoration piece. The salt emits special rays that can prove beneficial in curing respiratory disorders such as asthma and bronchitis. Therefore, people make salt rooms in their houses and spend their time inside the man-made caves of salt. Halotherapy is also a very beneficial salt therapy for curing skin and respiratory disorders.

In short, Himalayan salt is a very healthy ingredient in our everyday foods. And in addition to that, it also has many other benefits to the human body.

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